About Us

FSL Solicitors Ltd of 60 Bell Street, London NW1 6SP

Authorised and Regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority 

SRA Authorisation Number 636705

FSL Solicitors ltd is authorised firm of Solicitors which is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under Authorisation number 636705.

FSL Solicitors ltd is also a limited Company which is registered and existing under UK Companies Act 2006.  It is registered office is at 60 Bell Street, London NW1 6SP and registered under 10476444.

Finding an appropriate firm of solicitor who are capable of advising on your family and business affairs can be a tedious, tiresome and difficult task. It is often found that relying on the trusted recommendations of friends or colleagues the best method. The majority of our new clients come to us through recommendation additionally many of our existing clients return to us regarding legal help advice on various legal matters.

Our mission is to provide legal advice and service of the highest calibre. We aim to maintain this by ensuring:

  • We adhere to time limits and handle each matter promptly
  • We work in teams and cooperate to deliver your work at the best and highest quality
  • We maintain strict confidentiality and comply with the GDPR rules
  • We endeavor to answer all your questions and explain legal procedures adequately.
  • We follow up all our advice given face to face by an email or a letter to confirm our advice.
  • We focus on both the legal work and helping our client’s resolve their issues in a friendly atmosphere